We hold a strong belief that ākonga (learners) should be playing and involved in home/whānau based extra curricular activities after school. Any homework completed should be independent and reinforce learning taking place at school. We respect that families have different values and expectations about homework.
The only set homework for all ākonga will be reading every night, at an independent level. For ākonga ‘learning to read’, teachers will guide them in which books to take home. As ākonga become skilled and are ‘reading to learn’, they will have greater levels of choice in what to read each night.
Teachers will not regularly set any additional homework. From time to time, it might be necessary for additional tasks to be set, however these will be to consolidate/support new learning and focus on tasks that children can complete independently. They will also acknowledge the beliefs outlined above.
It is important to understand that homework is not always beneficial, particularly when children are tired and have worked hard with high levels of concentration at school all day. Where parents ask for advice around additional homework, teachers may support by ensuring they have access to information about:
- Spelling activities based upon the essential lists.
- Maths activities to develop essential number knowledge.
Click here to view the Essential Spelling Lists.
Click here to view the Basic Facts Number Knowledge.
Click here to view the Place Value Number Knowledge.
We also have some Maths information that may be helpful in you assisting your child. Please click on the link to view the information to support number knowledge for Years 1-3 and Years 4-6. Further information can be found at www.nzmaths.co.nz/families